How To Read Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have been used as a divination tool for centuries. They are said to be able to tell the future and provide insight into one`s life. But how do you read tarot cards?

What is the process of reading them like? In this blog post, we will answer these questions by going over what it means to “read” tarot cards and then explaining step-by-step how to actually go about doing so.

Selecting a Deck of Tarot Cards

Perhaps the most important part of reading tarot cards is selecting a deck. A good deck will have a wide variety of images that have been carefully designed to both looks and feel aesthetically pleasing but more importantly function as a tool for divination. There are countless types of decks out there, with some being specifically catered towards those who follow specific traditions or practices within magic or spirituality (such as those used by Mediums) while others are meant to provide insight into topics such as love, money, and health. In addition, there are all kinds of fantastic art styles on display in modern decks nowadays. For example, the Radiant Rider-Waite has stunning pastel illustrations that play beautifully on simplicity and nostalgia while also conveying traditional motifs. Other decks can be bolder, like the wonderfully weird and surreal designs of Alejandro Jodorowsky`s Thoth tarot or even one that uses only red to convey its message (appropriately called The Red Path).

Preparing Your Atmosphere

The term “reading” tarot cards are very broad. What exactly are we talking about here? Tarot card readings can take many forms – they can be done as formal readings for others, one-on-one consultations with a friend or as a psychic reading through the mail, or even as a fun party activity. Most of these readings have some things in common, however. The best kind of tarot card reading is one that has a relaxed and calm atmosphere where the reader feels comfortable. It`s also helpful if there are little to no distractions around such as a television or other people talking loudly. Tarot cards being read by candlelight is probably the most popular traditional reading setup among hobbyists and professionals alike, with good reason – it provides both great ambiance and an intimate setting for the reader to bond with their subject.

Have a Question, Topic, or Focus

The majority of tarot readings involve a question, topic, or focus that serves as the starting point for divination. This can be anything from “Will I get into my top choice for college?” to “What emotional issues am I dealing with right now?” and everything in between. In order to make reading meaningful, it’s important to have a clear question asked before shuffling the cards. This is especially true if you are doing a formal reading where you may be charging money for your services – asking direct questions makes it harder for people who want your help but don’t want to look at what they`re truly feeling.

Informal readings done with friends and loved ones tend not to such specific questions because it isn’t as necessary – if you’re just looking at your friend’s love life, for example, then there isn’t a question that needs to be asked. In this case, simply having a conversation with your friend about what they`re going through is enough.

Shuffle and Reset Your Cards

After you have selected your deck and prepared your surroundings, you can now begin to shuffle the cards. It`s good to take a deep breath and do some muscle stretches before doing this as it reduces tension and helps with focus.

Shuffling is an important step in tarot readings because it ensures that all of the cards are mixed together nicely so there isn’t any order we can discern from how they land after being cut. For those who don’t want to invest time into learning card spreads, shuffling is a great alternative – even expert readers admit that some randomness in their spread will give them insights they wouldn’t otherwise be able to see by simply choosing a few cards ahead of time. Resetting your cards after reading is also very important, as it clears your deck’s energy and allows you to reuse the same cards for another person later on. Simply put the deck down on a table or desk where it can be left alone for a moment.

Try a 3 Card Tarot Spread

Tarot readers often begin reading by drawing three cards. This is what’s known as “The Past, Present, Future” or “Past/Present/Future” spread because it helps to lay out the context of the situation at hand. With this spread, you are able to draw parallels between different stages in someone’s life and help them make better decisions without requiring too much time to do so.

Draw 3 cards from your deck, then turn them over – shuffle them if you need to before setting them down again facedown. The first card will be placed on the left side of your reader, representing the past – this sometimes includes elements that have played out in the recent past but could also include things that happened years ago. The second card should be placed near the center of the spread where you see it as a vision of what`s going on right now, while the third and final card goes on the right – this is the future.

“Past/Present/Future” spreads can vary from simple to complex, depending on your needs for insight. For example, you may want to compare how someone has behaved in past relationships with their current one. If so, you might write “Relationships (card 2)” beside the second card before comparing these two cards side by side to understand how they relate.

Fincher Flush Out Your Thoughts

This type of reading involves shuffling your deck and focusing your mind on what it is that you`re trying to achieve. Think of this like meditating before your reading – it helps you focus on the present moment and clears the mind for divination by bringing up all of your thoughts and feelings, even those that might be difficult to deal with.

Divide your deck into two stacks (if you use multiple), then turn these cards over one at a time until you feel something starting to fade away – when this happens remember which card is on top in each stack, then return these cards to their original position. After returning them shuffle the deck again before pulling three more cards from either stack.

Getting Tarot Meanings from Tarot Cards and their Positions

Even if you’re using a deck of playing cards, it can be nice to have an idea of what your chosen tarot card means. This can help with focusing on the correct aspects within your reading and also informs you which position that tarot card is best suited for. Tarot readings are often interpreted by matching up symbols with one or more meanings. However this isn’t always useful because most people don’t think in terms of symbols – they simply want to know what’s going on in their lives and how they can improve things.

For instance, you might see the “Knight of Pentacles” card in your reading which shows an armored knight on a horse. If you aren`t familiar with the meaning behind this card, it might be hard to understand why your reading shows a symbol of movement and physical activity. This is where “master keys” come in – they allow us to simplify the meaning of any given tarot card regardless of its position or orientation within your reading.

End the Reading with a Single Card

After completing your tarot reading, leave the last card or two facing up on the table. These cards represent the same power that you would find in your final position of the Celtic Cross spread. If you don’t have any more cards to read, simply place three more cards on top of your deck face up instead. These are also meant to represent the past, present, and future of what it is which you’re trying to understand – use them as a “bonus” reading if you feel there`s something missing from your original reading that you need to know about.

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